Saturday, 3 April 2010

Coward of the County

I was listening to the radio yesterday when that old Kenny Rogers classic Coward of the County came over the airwaves. I've heard it loads of times over the years and yet each time I find myself listening eagerly to the lyrics. Most popular songs are about love, and this is no exception, but this has something extra, the coward referred to in the title. It is also one of the few songs that actually has a story to it. They don't seem to produce this kind of song any more. And at the end when the Gatlin boys get their comeuppance I find myself thinking how wonderful that is. It is also the only song that includes a gang rape. Or can anyone think of any others? Alex Harvey's Gang Bang springs to mind but there's consent in that one. Maybe the death metal world is filled with tunes about gang rape. Or is 'tunes' the wrong word here?

Oh, and yet when I do hear Coward of the County I can't help thinking of You're My Son by Kenny Rogered...

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